I've lost my hair, been wearing a cap for a few hours... just couldn't get it back so I got new hair style but don't like it that much, see pic on your right lol...
I've been to Morris, an area where many ppl go after Orientation Island. It's a very caotic place as there are always ppl coming in and going out. There are always ppl lost looking for mentors to be able to get around and that's their only aim:
Candace Siamendes: are you a mentor
Me: nope
Candace Siamendes: thanks
Me: nope
Candace Siamendes: thanks
August 7 2008
Candace just let me in the cold and totally ignored me, she just walked out the area we were in as soon as she knew I was not who she was looking for. At this stage, at least most of the people in Morris want to be secondlife 'literate' people. That's the feeling I got... it's not just what I felt but what ppl said:
Antmonster Exonar: do you know how to "voice chat"
Ixchel Galicia: nop
Ixchel Galicia: fetako does
Antmonster Exonar: alright. thanks anyways.
Ixchel Galicia: i¨m lost fetako
Ixchel Galicia: idon´t know what to do
Ixchel Galicia: i already see the local chat
Ixchel Galicia: how
August 7, 2008
Ixchel is very lost. That's how I still feel at times... At the beginning I didn't know either how to voice my chat, but now I'm good at going away from Morris and getting teletransported, so I've been to other very exotic places in the inworld! The other day I went back to Morris and the 'landscape' was just the same, but Frigid Cryotank had a small talk with me:
Frigid Cryotank: Hello Akiles... how do you like Second Life?
Me: just ok!
Frigid Cryotank: Found anything good?
Me: nope, just looking around
Frigid Cryotank: One moment.
Frigid Cryotank: Akiles, at 8 PM SLT there is a TGIF party at NCI Beach. Interested?
Frigid Cryotank: NCI --> New Citizens Inc.
Me: what you mean by TGIF, English is not my first language
Frigid Cryotank: TGIF is an abbreviation for "Thank God It's Friday". It will also be a New Resident Question and Answer session.
Me: Hmmmm... sounds ok, how can I get there?
Frigid Cryotank: The party is at NCI-Beach. Let me pass you a Teleport Landmark.
Frigid Cryotank gave you NCI Beach-New Citizens Incorpora, Fishermans Cove (58, 204, 24). Me: Thanks!
Frigid Cryotank: There's a good-grade freebie board, free Second Life classes..
Frigid Cryotank: You're welcome. Perhaps I'll see you there.
Frigid Cryotank: .. and the NCI group is a pretty good bunch of people, too.
Me: I see!
Me: Cool, it seems busy here!
Frigid Cryotank: This is a "Welcome" area. New residents go through Orientation Island.. then teleport to the main grid.. and here you are.
Frigid Cryotank: Until residents figure out how to get away from here, they stay here or find other ways off the area.
Me: I see... I will teletransport somewehere else! will keep in mind NCI Beach
Frigid Cryotank: Very good. Enjoy your Second Life. See you at NCI perhaps.
Me: Sure, thanks mate!
August 8, 2008
I found Frigid's words useful but missed the party as it was too late in my 'real' world and went to bed! Well... that's all for now folks!